Autonomous Mineral Detection
Created: 2024-07-26
Updated: 2024-07-27
Company - Lunasonde
- Classification
- Space Resources
- Category
- Resources - Asteroid Mining
- Fields
- Prospecting
- Status
- Development
- First launch
- 2026
Projected Phases | Earth Mining to Asteroid Mining
- **Phase O - **Sets stage for Phase I testing. Starts on Earth and continues into LEO.
- **Phase I - **Use sensors to support Earth mining and to advance our technologies to go further on Earth and in space.
- **Phase II - **Use new propulsion tech to test beyond Earth systems and ID additional tech needs. Find new mining targets.
- **Phase III - **Bring samples to Earth from a near Earth asteroid. Tests the integration of Lunasonde technologies, partner technologies, and communications, with the goal of reducing expansion of existing mines.
- **Phase IV - **Main Mission – Through proven technologies and partnerships, forge ecologically sustainable mining in space.
Launch TBD, 2026, Heliocentric orbit