Created: 2023-07-15
Updated: 2024-01-12
Company - OHB Czechspace
- Classification
- Miscellaneous
- Category
- Resources - Energy
Nuclear Fission Power
Orbital Transportation
- Fields
- Nuclear Propulsion
- Status
- Concept
- First launch
- Not announced
- Within the NEP (Nuclear Electric Propulsion) RocketRoll (pReliminary eurOpean reCKon on nuclEar elecTric pROpuLsion for space appLications) project, we have successfully completed the second milestone, the main focus of which was the finalisation of the existing technologies study and the preparation of NEP safety considerations for space travels.
- The safety considerations encompass both the preparation of guidelines for the NEP use in space and a detailed risk analysis in case of a theoretical failure and contamination of the Earth.
- Moreover, the consortium led by OHB Czechspace has started to work on the thorough design of the NEP demonstrator that will be scalable for travels to Mars and deep space.