Explaneta Space Solutions is a practice-oriented think tank dedicated to developing smart solutions to improve habitability aspects on long duration space missions.
Created: 2021-07-18
Updated: 2024-10-02
Company - Explaneta Space
Product/Service - GREEN/CASE
- Classification
- In-Space Manufacturing
- Category
- In-Space Manufacturing
In-Space Production
- Fields
- Food for Earth
Food for Space
- Status
- Dormant
- First launch
- Dormant
GREEN//CASE is a portable mini-greenhouse that can be completely 3d printed at an extra-terrestrial outpost, thus saving payload weight and costs.
- It’s main aim is not to produce additions to the crew’s meal plan or conduct scientific experiments; the greenhouse is designed to allow each crew member their very own green space, to tend to at their leisure and harvest the psychological benefits.
- GREEN//CASE can be set up in private quarters with minimum space requirements or taken along on long rover journeys. While big-scaled greenhouses can support the habitat’s life support systems and food generation, GREEN//CASE works to raise habitability in personal quarters and help the astronauts to maintain important emotional balance.
Status Comment / Notes
Website is offline as of early 2023.