Created: 2021-12-21
Updated: 2025-01-09
Company - Outpost Space
Product/Service - Ferry, Cargo Ferry, Carryall
- Classification
- Cargo Transportation & Landers
- Category
- In-Space Manufacturing
Transport Service (Earth-LEO)
Transport Service (Re-Entry)
- Fields
- Reusable
- Status
- Development, Launched
- First launch
- 2025
Enabling technologies for the development of a robust Low-Earth Orbit Economy
Outpost Cargo Ferry: A Rapid Cargo Downmass Vehicle
- Today's cost to go to ISS and back represents a high barrier to entry for the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) economy. Commercial LEO Destinations (CLDs) as well as the International Space Station (ISS) are in need of the ability to have rapid cargo downmass capabilities in order to iterate quicker and accelerate their business.
- In this effort, Outpost Technologies Corporation (Outpost) will address this need and develop the Cargo Ferry which is a rapid cargo downmass vehicle that will be used for both returning cargo from commercial space stations as well as the ISS.
- Beneficial applications of our innovation include Earth return of non-human cargo, scientific samples, small payloads, and important research. Driving down the cost of Earth return would open the door to more throughput on the ISS National Lab while also enabling the broader Low-Earth orbit economy to flourish.
- The ISS is at stowage capacity, requiring tough decisions by the ISS program office each time a new payload is manifested. By downmassing stowed cargo, more room is made for new science and R&D on station. On-demand availability of the Cargo Ferry as a backup trunk payload ensures there will be no empty trunk space on future missions.
- Dedicated payload and cargo return is one of the few remaining items left unsolved for CLD business models to close. Companies and institutions looking to iterate quickly in the space environment need fast Earth return. A human rated version of the Cargo Ferry may one day provide a solution for CLDs necessitating an emergency Earth return solution.
NASA, Small Companies Eye New Cargo Delivery, Heat Shield Technologies, 2023-11-29.
- Outpost Technologies Corp. is collaborating with NASA to develop a new cargo transport vehicle, named Cargo Ferry. The reusable vehicle consists of a payload container for cargo, solar array wings to power the vehicle, a deployable heat shield to protect it on re-entry to Earth’s atmosphere, and a robotic paraglider system to deliver it safely to the ground with “landing pad” precision.
- Cargo Ferry could transport non-human cargo including science and hardware from space stations back down to Earth more frequently, freeing up vital research and stowage space on board the station. Commercial space stations are expected to be smaller than the International Space Station, thus systems like Cargo Ferry could offer a more versatile and adaptable solution for cargo transportation.
Outpost’s Plan To Put Shipping Containers In Space, Payload, 2024-07-15.
- Carryall, a spacecraft the size of a shipping container, the company revealed to Payload.
- Outpost’s Ferryall and Carryall spacecraft combine a number of relatively simple technologies to return objects from orbit in a revolutionary way. These components include:.
- The first Ferryall mission is planned for early 2026, with early customers likely coming from the US military for point-to-point delivery and commercial companies looking to run quick, iterative tests in orbit. Carryall could fly as early as 2027.
Status Comment / Notes
Two 3U CubeSat were launched in 2023 but re-entry capability (which is better in scope with this database) has not yet been demonstrated as of late 2023.
The first Ferryall mission is planned for early 2026. Carryall could fly as early as 2027.