Company - Orbital Composites
- Classification
- In-Space Manufacturing
- Category
- In-Space Manufacturing
Space Construction Company
Space Robotics
- Fields
- Space Construction Company
- Status
- Development
- First launch
- Not announced
- The demonstration is destined for medium-Earth orbit, where Earth’s atmosphere will not interfere with “continuous solar power generation,” according to the news release.
- The 2027 mission is designed to showcase critical power-generation technologies including in-space assembly of solar panels and transmission of more than one kilowatt to Earth. The news release calls the 2027 mission “a precursor to large-scale commercial megawatt-class solar installations in space by 2030.”
- “The success of the pilot plant will validate the practicality of [space-based solar power] as a reliable and perpetual energy source,” Bucknell said in a statement.
**Quantum ** Antennas
- Orbital has developed an entirely new type of antenna, that can be directly 3D printed. The technology is applicable for both Ground and Space Antennas.
- >100m antenna arrays in space
In Space Servicing, Assembly & Manufacturing ISAM
- Print antennas directly in space, bypassing the tyranny of the launch fairing.
- Print TPS directly in space. No need to launch and then bring it back.
- Assemble large truss structures.
- Assembly large antenna arrays.
Status Comment / Notes
As of 2024, focused on drones and manufacturing technologies for terrestrial applications. Many space projects and concepts also.
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