Created: 2022-05-22
Updated: 2024-01-26
Company - Opterus
Product/Service - Tubular Truss Additive Manufacturing (TTAM)
- Classification
- In-Space Manufacturing
- Category
- In-Space Manufacturing
- Fields
- Large Space Structures
- Status
- Development
- First launch
- Not announced
- During Phase 1, program performers are tasked to meet stringent structural efficiency targets supporting a megawatt-class solar array.
- In Phase 2, teams are tasked to increase mass efficiency and demonstrate precision manufacturing for radio frequency (RF) reflectors. In the final phase, performers are tasked to demonstrate precision for infrared (IR) reflectors.
Tubular Truss Additive Manufacturing (TTAM)
- they achieve the form of a truss of thin-walled tubes, which is the most structurally efficiency form and
- they use the highest performance materials, carbon fiber composites.